Monday, December 17, 2007


Originally uploaded by stevenjude
It snowed yesterday. A lot. Inches and inches of snow fell and not a snow plow could be seen. Apparently they clear snow only on work days - or just before work days; so you're left to fend for yourself if it snows between 6pm Friday and 3pm Sunday.

Still the dog was happy and the town was pretty much empty as we trekked knee deep (shoulder deep for Velcro) through the pristine white snow.

Woke up this morning fearing that I might not be able to make it into work - but the roads had been (partially) cleared and so I put the Mustang into second (wheel spin in first) and edged out towards the motorway. Wasn't too bad out there - though I did see a few people who had spun clean off the road and a couple of people who really deserved to.

The journey in took about 40 mins, I reckon that on a clear day I could shave 10mins off that and the new building is rather lovely. I'm a little out in the open and my area of the office is arranged so that I have my back to everyone but other than that it's all okay. My silver, half dalek chairs revolve, people are friendly and generally things seem organized. I had my ID card within minutes, my computer soon after (it's a PC) and was up and running within an hour of arriving.

Orientation is tomorrow - so I guess that I'll have chair training and the chance to choose a health insurer then. Until which I shall attempt to look busy and to meet as many people as possible - given that it's the week before Christmas and the Holiday Season has helped 'thin out' the bodies available for hearty handshaking.

So far though, so good. This is going to be a tough job, but I'm thinking that I might even enjoy the challenge. Better to be worried about the job at hand than about the fact that someone, somewhere is going to book you on a plane to Des Moines rather than Detroit.

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