I should have known that it was going to be a weird week. First the bitter cold of last week turned into record breaking high temperatures of 17c today. Then there's the snow in California, the continued frost in Florida and Hillary showing signs of emotion in New Hampshire.
But I thought that work was going to be predictable. At least until my boss sidled over and whispered 'come with me'
Ten minutes later we were down in the 'executive car park' being briefed on how not to crash the new Knight Rider car. The series breaks here on Feb 17th and the new KITT (now the Knight Industries THREE thousand) is a Shelby Cobra 500KR (or something, oops). It had the light on the front, a cool box just labeled KITT and very little else. You had to engage gears by sliding back a panel and fishing for switches with your fingers. The traction control was turned off. And it was without any real safety feature. But take it out and WOW!
Now I couldn't live with the car every day - the slightest twitch from your foot results in a supercharger whine and you being thrust backwards as satan erupts from hell just behind you making rather a loud noise as he goes. But watching people in Ford Foci and Chevvy Impala literally scurry for cover as we hurtled down the road was well worth it.
Tres cool. And another thing crossed off the 'to do' list