A couple of weeks ago I set about a project to make an image of Jude that was taken from photos but would look like a fantasy book cover. Don't ask me why, it just seemed like a good thing to do at the time. The image hereabouts is a tiny segment of the finished result. I kinda like it, but then I would, it was my project.
Have a few other shoots to be doing before leaving for Canadia and a run up there to have someone make the car legal next week. Will take pictures.
Other than that it's a bit of organizing, gym sessions that suddenly have me sweating like Elton John in a winebar and constant bids to tire the dog enough to have the neighbors believe that she's angelic.
Also love dealing with me new landlord. I wrote asking him about the policy of our new building toward satellite dishes as I want to get as many HD channels as possible but didn't want to fall foul of the resident's committee. This was his reply...
"For the TV, the following story is cute. I’ve lived in the condo for six
years and I always had a set of antennas for my TV, which was installed
beside the fireplace, and received a handful of channels.
In the last year (of the six), we had moved the TV downstairs because it was easier with the
newborn, being on the same floor. But the reception was poorer than
upstairs so I plugged the cable that was never used/tested before to see if
connecting the TV to a longer wire (to be used as an antenna) would produce
better reception. It sure did! With much more channels. That white cable
in the living room was online and for the last year we had the over 30
channels. Never asked or paid for the service.
To answer the question, I don’t know if a satellite dish is installed with
the other tenants."
He's great, I like him.