Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Archer

And it feels so much lighter
Originally uploaded by roo.db.
After one of the most awful work days I can remember I set off yesterday for Queens and a spot of Archery. And it was fantastic. Okay so some of the bizarre hunting magazines "White Spot's Stag Of The Month' featured a deer as the centrefold and one or two of the posters looked a tad dodgy - swinsuit, highheels, longbow being an odd combo but taking a low tech bow and slowly realizing that 'yes' I could plant the arrows consistently was very cool and very calming. Every other thought melted away as the target loomed back into view. I shall return and soon.

Not much else happening here - Pet Shop Boys at Radio City Music Hall tonight (the place has sold out, no tickets available 'even for ready money'); Jude off to Buffalo tomorrow (weather permitting - they got 22 inches of snow yesterday) and then on to Denver. I off to Frankfurt Monday - landing Tuesday.

Boring huh?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A dreadful awakening

Career wise I've been kidding myself that I'm Kylie Minogue
(popular in some places, a few hardcore fans, the occasional rump
shaking piece of brilliance then three turgid albums full of dross)

But it's just hit me - I'm Britney Spears (the cellulite years)

This is a jaw slackening moment of self awareness.

BTW - Check out more of minifig's work over at

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A question

Originally uploaded by Martinish.
How much food bullshit have you swallowed?

Do you still believe any of the nutritional advice out there?
Or the fad diets?
Are you still eating Atkins?
Is anyone still on the cabbage diet?
Are you eating food for its vibrational energies?

Gillian 'Poo lady' McKeith thinks that you should - whilst embracing internal photosynthesis and an alkeline regime to combat acidosis. The charge is that she bought her PhD and that now we're buying her bullshit. I don't feel qualified to comment - I'm still eating my crusts in an attempt to make my hair curl="all" />

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

the latest attempt to kill me

Frankfurt skyline at dawn
Originally uploaded by Photomotion.
the latest attempt to kill me is to have me fly overnight to Frankfurt where I'll deliver a briefing - to a bunch of non-English speakers (I don't speak Spanish, Mandarin or Portugese so it could be a problem)

then jump on a flight to Miami where I'll deliver a speech about all things trendy (to people who are slightly less trendy than me, which is not at all)

before hopping on a flight to NYC where I have a 7am meeting to talk about expert opinion on what we're trying to do.

Still I rack up some miles on my Star Alliance card, get to sample the Lufthansa beds, get to spend a day in Miami and don't have to travel to London in person for the expert meeting.

So I'll be killed slowly rather than in one go.

Isn't it nice to know that you're company has your health and well-being at its centre?

Monday, October 09, 2006

Another escapee

Originally uploaded by stevenjude.
My erstwhile colleague Mr Eben Strousse announced his departure from the building this week. He's off to get married, start a new job and move home to California, cleaner air, real space and a little bit of happiness.

His leaving drinks on a Sunday afternoon, surounded by Walk Against Breast Cancer 'athletes' was a lovely affair and I must concede a terrible jealousy. He seems to have done exactly the right thing for exactly the right reasons.

11 months before I can contemplate the same.

And counting