Tuesday, October 10, 2006

the latest attempt to kill me

Frankfurt skyline at dawn
Originally uploaded by Photomotion.
the latest attempt to kill me is to have me fly overnight to Frankfurt where I'll deliver a briefing - to a bunch of non-English speakers (I don't speak Spanish, Mandarin or Portugese so it could be a problem)

then jump on a flight to Miami where I'll deliver a speech about all things trendy (to people who are slightly less trendy than me, which is not at all)

before hopping on a flight to NYC where I have a 7am meeting to talk about expert opinion on what we're trying to do.

Still I rack up some miles on my Star Alliance card, get to sample the Lufthansa beds, get to spend a day in Miami and don't have to travel to London in person for the expert meeting.

So I'll be killed slowly rather than in one go.

Isn't it nice to know that you're company has your health and well-being at its centre?


Anonymous said...

oh, get over yourself. you love how important it makes you feel!

Steve said...

nothing makes a man feel more important than a trip to Frankfurt...