Saturday, April 25, 2009


Originally uploaded by insashi
Judith and I have some really good friends. Some who understand the value of space and time, others of the small gesture. It's good to know that even though we're never in one place for any period of time, the people that we love the most are constant regardless of geography. So thanks to all. Genuinely.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Explaining yesterday's blog entry

Yesterday we lost our baby.

In the past when I’ve heard something like that I’ve thought “Where, Walmart?” and congratulated myself on the cold heartedness of my wit.

But today we lost our baby, not in the supermarket, but in a more visceral way. Bloody, painful, prolonged, fearful, anxious and excruciating.

It was a baby that was wanted. A baby that was planned for, a baby that had us planning names and nurseries and ways to tell people when the time was right. This was the baby that brought us back from Montreal just beaming. It was our baby. And we couldn’t quite believe it. A baby that had come into being against all of the odds and could, surely, survive any odds because of it. But you can’t will a baby into the world.

So now what we have are a few blissfully happy days, a baby journal lovingly filled in right up to the day that our baby was no more and each other. Which is more than most but less than we’d hoped for.

And so if we’re not around for a few days, or if we don’t seem quite ourselves, or if we’re not at the party, or the restaurant or the gym you know why. We’re just letting this sink in.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A really dreadful day

Today has been awful... I can't say why just yet; which is crappy I know but it's sucked.
Nothing really health related, or work related or move related or relationship related... but just one of those life things.
So I've decided to ignore today altogether and go on what tomorrow brings.
But fuck, we're reaping some bad karma the last couple of years.
I must have been one evil bastard.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back in Michigan

When I get back to Michigan things start to slow down. And its not all Michigan's fault... but I do get very frustrated

My French classes have been cancelled due to lack of interest
I got stuck indoors yesterday due to intermittent hail storms
I can't remember a single internet password
The water gives me stomach problems
The air makes my skin blister
The pollen makes the skin around my face peel
And the dryness kills the rest

Oh well. Stuff to do today... like get these pics printed... if I can ever remember a password

Monday, April 20, 2009

All signed up

So we signed the lease on the new place. One downer is that, like this place, it remains on the market and for sale.
The upside is that as tenants we're protected until the end of our term; and need at least 6 month's notice to move.
This is "The leurrrr"

"The Leurrr" is big in Quebec
It says that you have to switch to snow tyres in winter
And that signs have to be in French
And a whole host of other things

But Montreal is great.

We climbed to the top of :The Mountain: and read while people played guitars
We drank Belgian beers in cool bars and great streets
We met some lovely people
We saw the John and Yoko exhibit for free
And we saw the lesser DaVinci exhibit for not much
We ate well and often
We backed away from the Ultimate Fight Championship guys
Then realized we didn't have to
We heard good news on job options
And came back happy and smiling to a Michigan whose roads seemed a little worse and whose skies seemed a little more gray.

Lease is from June 15th and we really can't wait
Though we'll have to

We get the dog back tomorrow too.
All is good in the world