Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Here we are again

It's been MONTHS since I last posted.

In that time I've come off the meds
Gained 20lbs
Taken a new job

And added a baby to the mix.

Weird that I put it in that order, but having the baby around (Tijke) feels so natural, normal and cool that you often forget that he wasn't here 6 months ago.

And he is cool. Quiet and happy and content. Quick to smile and slow to complain. With a Spaghetti Oh mouth when he sees something that fascinates him and a Sid James laugh when he sees something that amuses.

He loves GaGa and Glee and Cher - any kind of gay diva thing that has sparkles and musical numbers. And our world together is a musical number. I sing. He sings. We smile.

It's been all change - and all change for the better.

Which is why I mentioned the weight gain. Could it be that just as happiness hits a tumor grows? An insane thought (not that it's impossible but allowing a "what if?" to mar a current 'Glad that').. Sept 6th is scans...

Ah cancer, why can't I quit you