Of course the truth of the matter is that the lowest we've been so far this winter is -14c (I know, I keep a record) and it's been colder than that. When my parents visited us upstate it was -20c; so cold that when my mom got out of the car and exhaled her breath first misted and then froze to her glasses adding a 'jam jar bottom' look that caused much mirth whenever she walked into a lamppost or small shrub.
Luckily for us the heating in the building is paid for and we have a gas fire that sends flames leaping into the air at the push of a button, all very nice come a winter's eve.
Jude wanted to go swimming this afternoon - but I'm afraid that the thought of being in swim trunks on a day when even the penguins are begging for the right to kill a mink or two in the name of survival was beyond me. We'll do it tomorrow though. IN the morning. Before the brain is engaged.
But first the dog needs a walk and that means me suiting up, wrapping up and getting up. Here we go