Tuesday, December 11, 2007

when you only have a nickle

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
...get your shoes shined. Unless you're our illustrator who fell for the "Let me shine your shoes down this back alley" trick end ended up paying $20 for a shoe shine on $40 shoes. It would have been more had he not met the aggressive demand for cash with "my best cockney" - a universally understood language of aggression.

Our last full day with clients in Mexico will be spent in a focus group room. It can't be as bad as last night - moderator showed up late, nodded through a briefing, then abandoned the guide within seconds of starting the group with a bunch of show off know-it alls on a brand they didn't know. Just awful.

Still it's free food and the promise of a beer or two for those suffering along with us instead of being at the client Xmas party

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