Sunday, December 09, 2007


After weeks of travel fuckwittery and hotel malady it's good to have some time in a hotel where things work. And even better that Jude (whose flight left and arrived without drama) is here with me this weekend.

Yesterday was canal boats, market lunches, town squares and remarkably cheap transportation (the metro here costs 2 pesos, that's 20 cents or 10p to you Yanks and Brits) === that compared to the $8 that I had to pay to go one stop on the London underground is a bit of a right royal bargain.

Anyway the sun is shining, we have a witch waiting to cast our bad spirits into an egg and I have to catch up with the illustrator this morning so this is qoing to be a quickie.

Research tomorrow, home Thursday. New job next week! Hurrah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're starting the new gig later this week? What about a healthy break? A break to do things like sun yourself nude in the snow on the roof of your new flat? Speed blindfolded through town? How will you arrive fresh my boy?