Saturday, October 06, 2007

A somewhat different weekend

A very special gift...
Originally uploaded by Corydora
Yup after last weekend's nipple tassle extravaganza this week is DIY stores, Jam tasting and a fascinating slide show at the house of someone Jude knows. Oh and there's a 55mile bike ride to a cider mill too. This may take some getting used to

Thursday, October 04, 2007


okay I know. I'm a sukcer. A real sucker. But I just love sexy electronics. And so with th expenses mounting - $4k to move house, $3k for blinds, $14k for a new car, weekly $250 flights and the like I somehow managed to find my way into an Apple store today looing at the new i-touch.

Okay so it's 8 gig vs the 160 gig of a standard video i-pod. And the price will come down soon.

But it's touch screen.
And it knows which way up it is.
And it has wi-fi that's free in Starbucks.
And it plays movies beautifully.
And it's really thin.

It uses fonts fantastically.
And it really is as sexy as hell.

And besides I've spent more tha $300 on a good dinner.
And we're kinda well off on paper (we just lack the requisite kind of paper to prove it)

And I was celebrating not having cancer.
A "have the paper to prove it" kind of not having cancer

And I did give extra blood today in an act of altruism.
Plus it was my birthday recently
And it's my anniversary soon.

And did I mention that I'd been a good boy?

Okay - I'm a sucker.
But a happy sucker.

BTW - Anyone want a previous generation Video i-pod in Black?
It was a gift and I'd rather someone took it than it went into a drawer.

Scans clear... now for the MRI

So scans were good this morning - except for what they think might be a heriation of a disk in my neck. Have an MRI scheduled just in case. Meanwhile it's all good. Hurrah. Another crap post I know. Monster busy here. (what?)

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

so- thai-ard

sleepy raver
Originally uploaded by lomokev
as they used to say in Singapore. I'm totally knackered. The head is aching. And I need to be in tip top form for the doctor tomorrow. Well actually I don't as the tests were done weeks ago and it's just a results day. But I still wanna look well. Weird huh? Anyway a real post first thing tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Originally uploaded by ian_zone
well after yesterday's disappointments I've decided to suck it up, make lemonade and concentrate on what's actually important. Doctor on Thursday. New client the week after. Time to throw myself into fitness, health and work. Erm, that's it. It's late. The glass of wine was a little too full. More tomorrow.

Life on hold

was promised an answer today on one of those big life shaping things. Actually I was promised an affirmative answer.

Instead I got a 2 week delay.
And a side order of uncertainty.

Powerless to change the outcome I'm moping instead.
Can't remember ever having been this down.

Facing the prospect of being homeless (lease runs out in 3 weeks), penniless (the move costs a fortune), wifeless (she's in Ann Arbor my options around getting there are diminishing daily) and animal-less (they will move end of month) and all I can do is cross my fingers.

Worse is that a 'yes' would have carried me towards something that I really want to do - rather than away from something that I don't. A very good step.

Sometimes I can see how having a belief in something other than the ability of organizations to bugger things up could be a comfort.

Still 2 weeks to certainty. And knowing is all. That gives me the ability to plan. And planning is what I do best.

Okay - back to work.

Monday, October 01, 2007

a waiting game

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
I'm really bad at waiting. Really bad. It's the lack of control that I hate. Other people setting the pace, the deadlines, the pace of your life. It's why I'm not a bus person - being able to see those gaps that "you could drive a bus through" whilst simultaneously not moving drives me bonkers. Gimme the subway anyday. With no front window to peer through and only blackness all around there's no way of viewing the cause of frustration.

So this week is a bad one. I'm waiting on movers. On doctor's results. On window treatment guys. And on a host of equally important - life in our hands - decisions from other people. And it's already driving me insane. By Friday I'll be a basket case. By next week worse.

I gues sit could be worse. I could be being hounded - a la Britney. Am I alone in finding Britney losing her kids a sad thing? It feels as though this has been the script that the press have been looking for all along. They've been pushing the Britney is a bad mom angle for so long (with the "Somebody help us" headlines plastered over pics of her kids) that the court decision today seemed inevitable. Sure she's hardly mom of the year but then she has staff to look after the kids - they're looked after by pros. And a lot of the toddler angst you see is caused by the media scrum around Brit and the kids whenever she leaves the house.

What I really object to though is one of the reasons most often cited as being a sign of Brit's depravity is that she's often naked around her kids. At this point I have to say - so what? They're 3 and 1. I'm not sure they'd notice naked and even if they did I'm sure that's not unhealthy. Okay the drugs might be an issue, that I can see - thoughnobody ever tried to drag Bobbi Houston off to a home for children of drugged up nutter parents, did they?

Enough of a rant "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" etc.

Oh this waiting


Sunday, September 30, 2007

One of those weekends

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
A good weekende then. Sketchy's was a little low energgy, with lots of the jokes falling a bit flat - but then we were the stone cold sober table.
Still Jude did well at left handed drawing and I managed a couple of good pics.

Margaret Cho was funny during the stand-up and daring during the burlesque but I found myself admiring rather than enjoying the show... although her crotch in face rubbing, moustachio'd, permed, Cher lithe, gymnast flexible support was good value for money.

Kaiser and Nick's party was fun. Too many nibbles, too many drinks, enough interesting people and we stayed too late - just about perfect then.

Mythic Creatures at the museum not really worth the money... but you live and learn and it's always nice to see Mike.

Jude leaves tomorrow morning (on a 6am flight, ouch) and I head out there next weekend. Meanwhile I'm in limbo - waiting on news in almost every area of my life from health, to work. It'll be an interesting week.