Sunday, September 30, 2007

One of those weekends

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
A good weekende then. Sketchy's was a little low energgy, with lots of the jokes falling a bit flat - but then we were the stone cold sober table.
Still Jude did well at left handed drawing and I managed a couple of good pics.

Margaret Cho was funny during the stand-up and daring during the burlesque but I found myself admiring rather than enjoying the show... although her crotch in face rubbing, moustachio'd, permed, Cher lithe, gymnast flexible support was good value for money.

Kaiser and Nick's party was fun. Too many nibbles, too many drinks, enough interesting people and we stayed too late - just about perfect then.

Mythic Creatures at the museum not really worth the money... but you live and learn and it's always nice to see Mike.

Jude leaves tomorrow morning (on a 6am flight, ouch) and I head out there next weekend. Meanwhile I'm in limbo - waiting on news in almost every area of my life from health, to work. It'll be an interesting week.

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