Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Day two

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
okay so into day two of the new job and still at a bit of a loss regarding how to best fill me time. I've done benefits. I've met the people physically in the office, I've used the right click option on my mouse (it's a PC!) but there's only so much that you can do between Xmas and New Year in a half empty office.

That said I'm going through all of the stuff that's currently in research and trying to figure out how the good bits of each could form a cohesive whole. I guess it's like looking for which rabbits are going to make the coat and which will hit the stewer. You have an idea but it's only post skinning that you really figure it out.

That's quite a Michigan kind of analogy actually. Maybe I am made for this state after all.


Anonymous said...

can't you stew rabbits after you've used their fur for a coat? Not sure that's a mutually exclusive distinction. And there are so many other things to do with rabbits. Use their bones to make toothpicks. Chop off their feet for good luck. So much to do on a first day at work... Glad you're enjoying it.

Dr Jude said...

a better Michigan reference would be to that furry "Michigan Mammal" creature we saw at Detroit Zoo ... except the internet claims it doesn't exist, so I wonder about the zoo's labeling scheme.

Anonymous said...

See... what you need to do now you have a proper computer, designed for the funky creative individual rather than the design-collecter, (the interesting rather than the intersted if you will), is spend at least a week playing with different customisations...

Switch off all the crap that runs at start up, take off all the cosmetic stuff, strip it down. Customise the view of each folder to the perfect setting and size, set the keyboard repeat and mouse to maximum and see how fast a real computer can be used... you'll be astonished. Whenever I watch people use PowerNaps I always want to scream... "Come ON!!"

And you haven't even started playing with the scroll wheel yet... you know you can push the wheel too? It opens new tabs, took me ages to discover that, I'm not clever like I was at 16

And then there's the millions of free programs, add-ons, graphic gizmos and games you can download, cos PCs are after all the fun-toys, not like those tedious work-orientated Macs that only run Adobe, Office and iTunes before running out of ideas.

And JUST THINK of how much time you can burn restarting it 5 times a day... ;p