Sunday, February 03, 2008

Things to do in Michigan when it's cold

erm.... lemme think. Nope I'm at a loss. Of course that doesn't mean that we don't do things. So even though Royal Oak turned out to be less frozen Williamsburg and more arctic strip mall with hot dog stores we still managed to get out and abut yesterday. Sure it meant driving 65 miles to see ice sculptors who will be in A2 in a couple of weeks but that didn't matter. Go towards the life is my new motto.

Today we've got brunch with a couple of friends (cooked by another) and then a SuperBowl party (our first). Before that starts I shall look up who's playing, what the pundits are expecting and learn a few key names. Would hate to look as stupid watching this as Americans do watching the World Cup of Foot Soccer.

There's also a 3pm - 6pm meeting at work. I'll not be attending. I've done three quarters (or three fourths if you're in highschool) of the weekends so far and it's time to take a break, put my feet up, eat too many peanuts and generally relax.

Which we've been doing with binge watching sessions of Lost : Season 3. It's been hard avoiding all of the spoilers but as we drain the glasses of Pinot Gris, crank the volume up and set the flames of the fire to 'dangerously close to out of control' things all seem to make sense. Even the Biblical names. The number of guys who have names starting with 'J', the flashbacks that come out of nowhere and the smoke monster that can't go over an invisible fence that Kate managed to climb.

Anyway I hear the sounds of a wife taking Coffee #1. Later all.

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