Friday, February 08, 2008

Not a bad couple of days

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
First I'm told that I don't have syphilis
Then that I don't have AIDS
And now that my scans are clean and I don't have cancer.

Which is a good thing. Lymphoma's you see usually come back. Especially when they've invaded below the pelvic bone - which mine had. The weird thing is though that Lymphoma is a lot like a package holiday tourist - it often returns to the same spot; but usually will only do that within the first two years. So my scans being 'clear and clean' is a very good thing.

To top everything I found yesterday that the company will give me $1,000 for having bought the car that I did. All I need to do is present my receipt to HR and it's done. Cool. Maybe if I could photocopy it a few times they'd pay for the car out and out.

Gonna have to leave and brave the snow now... but before I do and in the interest of generating some traffic this short February month can I just say (avert your eyes mother) Lindsey Lohan's tits, Paris Hilton Sex Video, Mitt Romney scandal, Britney latest, Heath Ledger shots, Hillary Clinton lesbian, Obama drug, post op tranny, nudie and of course the one that will bring them all in Gordon Brown Speedo


Anonymous said...

Did you get more hits? Pleased everything is ok. Mam

Anonymous said...

How could you forget Amy Winehouse crack-pipe?