Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Originally uploaded by stevenjude
So the phone call yesterday was from the hospital. Telling me to call them immediately. Which was weird as they were on the phone. Still they gave me a number for the nurse - who took 2 hrs to get back to me and then told me that the doctor needed to talk with me about the results of my blood tests. And that she's page her. And that a call was unusual. And that it did mean they had an issue.

The doctor called an hour later. Low white blood cell count. Which is a relief as you get elevated counts with lymphoma. And low counts with HIV. Or a viral infection. Or naturally. Nothing to worry about essentially - but could they take another blood test when I didn't have a stinking cold?

There's a lot of chasing and worrying about nothing. But a reminder that death's dark shadow hovers not too far behind me - and that I need to do all that I can to ensure it doesn't catch up. Weirdly I feel as though life today has taken on a "Final Destination" like playfulness. I'm watching out for toasters, rollercoasters and higfh suspense kitchen sequences.


Miss Chris said...

Dude, that was not a long first paragraph, but still it freaked me out.

You still have to marry us damn it, so watch out for the toaster.

Anne-Marie Weeden said...

A rollercoaster accident would be a far more fun way to go, if one had a choice in the matter...

Jesus Steve I'm not sure I would have held it together for 3 hours telephone tag. Well done your WBCs for just being normal and a bit shit, rather than abnormal and up shit creek.

We like it best that way around...