Thursday, January 03, 2008

A weird bunch of searches

For tranny flickr's B&W week
Originally uploaded by Kat Sydney
I've had a whole bunch of people coming into the site from Canada - all looking for post-op trannies. My first thought was that I may have inadvertently linked to the popular website "Dick or No Dick" upon which Howie Mandell, Christopher Biggins and Dana International ask you to 'Open the box' of one of 25 lovely 'Ladies' after guessing 'dick or no dick'... the object of the game is to correctly guess the contents of as many 'black boxes' before 'The Wanker' sounds his horn.

Turns out that there's just something going on in Canada that's driving people first to Google and then to here.

So if you're here looking for Post Op Trannies you're in the wrong place - but for a small fee I could furnish you with some addresses and a range of passwords that might just help you find what you're looking for.

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