Tuesday, January 01, 2008

As if by magic

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
So last night we had some people over. Ate too much, drank a lot and looked up to see that it was almost time for the comedy thing. So we put on our coats and we ran down uncrowded streets to the venue. 90 mins later (I know what a rip off!) we came out into snow. Lots of snow. Lots and lots of snow. So I grabbed the old camera (don't care if it gets wet these days, it's now a workhorse) and ran down with the dog to grab a pic of Jude.

2007 was a good year I think. It wasn't an easy year. We moved. We switched jobs. We left a city that feels like home for a town that feels like the ones we moved to a city to avoid. We were by turns frustrated and doubtful and impatient and stressed to the point of American but as the years ends things look good.

I've realized that in a town this small you have to 'do rather than view'. We're 'hosting' much more often, meeting some fabulous people and having a good time doing it. The house is great. The town is full of little surprises and we;re slowly chancing across them. Summer looks to be spectacular. And my new job is both exactly what I want AND need to be doing right now.

We look forward to seeing more of you next year (we're going to be traveling more) - Michigan in the summer is spectacular. We have the space, we can help out with flights if need be and we'd LOVE to see you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent. I think we'll be in town for a wedding in July. And we'll have to do a weekend in Miami at some point. So much to do in 2008.