Sunday, December 30, 2007

Any excuse

I've been thinking about how I'd justify posting this pic. I could talk about how after weeks of begging I've finally managed to sign up for a photography class. Trouble is only the second part is true - I didn't beg, I just signed up. I could talk about needing absolution after weeks of eating too much and consuming liquids like an early 1990s VW (my 2001 Golf ate oil, it was ridiculous) - instead I'll just post the thing and have done with it.

Jude hard at work the last couple of days - it seems that Academy deadlines loom over the holidays; so she's either nose in a book, typing furiously, asking 'what do you think of this?' or canvassing friends for an opinion on what she's doing. We'd planned on being in Vegas - but deadines are more important so instead we'll do New York as soon as she's submitted and then Vegas when she gets back from visiting her mom in Belgium.

Of course having seen Alex and Christianna's pictures from Miami - where the sky is blue, the temps bikini warm and Christmas is spent on the beach we're both wishing that we'd headed that way. It's not so much the cold here that gets to you, it's the grey. On the days when the sun shines all is fantastic. Steps have spring in them. Strides have pride. But when it greys over then you really do have to make an effort.

Having the dog helps. Yesterday she dragged me around two parks and then ran like a mad thing at the 2acre dog run. Of course the dog run should have been renamed the dog rink as the one day of above freezing temps had melted the snow only for the -11c temps to turn it back into sheet ice. She did well though. No falls, no tumbles, no submissions.

Other stuff. I'm due more scans - but can't make the appointment until my new medical card arrives as the doctor needs the number. The gym is easier nnow that I time the cardio part of my workout to an episode of the really rather good Prison Break and we finally have plans for New Year's Eve. Still a ghost town out there (the students go home for the holidays) so getting tickets for everything but James Blunt (weirdly) is easy.

Okay enough blog-moping - time to do some work myself.


Anonymous said...

Its terribly uncool to say but i saw james blunt before he was famous, in a dirty kings cross back room - and he was absolutely outstanding

He was singing i hasten to add...

Anonymous said...

his tear stained Oprah performance was quite something too