Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Originally uploaded by stevenjude
When we first looked at Ann Arbor I was excited at the idea of having an excuse to buy a 4*4. Perhaps a Suzuki SX4 or something butcher... maybe a Subaru (okay not much butcher but the ultimate Lesbian car and therefore butch enough)

Of course the locals tsk'd and tee-hee'd. "Why do you want a 4*4?" they asked, over plucked eyebrows raised to comic levels. "We get snow here. We clear the roads. You don't need a 4*4"

I listened. I bought a 4 litre sports car with rear wheel drive and no ground clearance. And then it snowed. And the roads look like this. Not much evidence of snow plows here I think. Even our Hummer driving neighbor (gay of course, do you know a Hummer driver who isn't? Actually do you have a neighbor who isn't - or are only we living in a low rent version of Will & Grace?) gave up on driving home last night.

Of course I have work tomorrow - which means a 70 mile round trip. The forecast is for -14c. And more snow. So it's going to be a slog - though you do find that when you get to the motorway things get a little better.

Still I have a theory on a car and a category that I'm really excited about - and evidence that as each car in the segment has been launched so too has the percentage of people ordering 'beige' as their choice. Hoping to prove that a category that once managed to move the mainstream and make the avante garde acceptable is now the surest way to say that you've given up on life. I love that a once vibrant category can now stand for 'resignation' and am geniunely excited about doing something to turn that around.

Work cannot come fast enough tomorrow

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