Friday, January 04, 2008


Originally uploaded by aramh
So last night I watched the results of the Iowa Causus come in. I particularly like the way that the democrats choose a candidate. First you show up at the voting place. Then you go and stand in the area of the room designated to your candidate (a bit like Run-a-round) - you're then counted. Anyone with 15% of the attendees is viable - the rest are out but their supporters are in play. So there's debate and bartering and no doubt lots of looking for which group is closest to the heating and who has cookies in their pockets. Then it's Run-a-round and the votes are counted.

In this case it was Obama who took the night - followed by John Edwards and Hillary Clinton. The speeches were great. Edwards was jubilant and gave his stump speech. Hillary sounded resigned and talked about it being more important that a democrat win than that she wins (though she'd like to if it's all the same with everyone), Obama - predicatably - talked about 'Hope' and gave his "We are not a collection of red states and blue states... we are the United States" in a horse yet sexy voice that had people leaning in then on their feet.

On the other side the good Xtian voters of Iowa voted mild mannered preacher Huckabee ahead of shifty mormon Romney. Romney had all of the money and the good hair - Huckabee had Chuck Norris. Yes THAT Chuck Norris. It was odd to see him talking about mildness and concern and charity with my "My tears can cure cancer - but alas Chuck Norris cannot allow himself to cry". Weirder still was Norris and a blonde 'hottie' changing places mid speech - elbowing out the rather more substantial Mrs Huckabee in the process.

All eyes are now on Iowa - I do hope that Hillary signs up Mr T.


Miss Chris said...

So obama had the best cookies, eh? I think your analysis is very good. And honestly, Chuck Norris? Well, f***, if Schwarzenegger can become governor, good old Chuck should not be sidelined.

Anonymous said...

you know i've followed those elections for years, but this is the first time they've shown the scrabble around the classroom method of selection on tv here. it's bizarre. Was their a fight for the sand-pit or the music corner i wonder?