Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why can't America do Xmas?

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
A friend told me the other day that in the US Christmas is little more than a prompt to switch the window dressings in the stores to something a little more sparkly. I scoffed. Maybe even give a dismissive snort.

And then I looked at the Holiday TV. There is none. None at all. Just warmed up repeats and 'perennial classics'. It's actually a little depressing.

Tried to get into a 'Holiday Village' too - all last minute and of course sold out (unless you book into a hotel onsite in which case there are tickets galore)

In the end we walked down to see 'Atonement' at a spectacular local cinema, had dinner at a Pacific themed restaurant and headed for bed early.

Spent this morning watching Coronation Street on Canadian TV and mourning my distance from Noel's Xmas Presents. Weird that I only ever feel British around the Xmas TV schedules.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one can do xmas anymore, we're all too rich. Even me on my £58 a week, i have treats available all year round, light shows, fireworks whatever. You need to have some depravation before celebration.

I'd like to see a return to the 12 days of xmas, decorations up the week before then festivities commencing the evening of Dec24th, followed by a 12 day holiday and party period. It would have to go hand in hand with a change in legislation regarding public holidays. I'd have less through the year, they mostly just become duvet days anyway, but you'd need legislation to ensure those in the service etc industries got their 12 days back.

Mind you, there's plenty of accounts from the early 1800s of xmas not being what it used to be...