Monday, December 24, 2007

What does one do in Ann Arbor at Xmas?

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
Well it seems that most people leave Ann Arbor - returning to the busoms of their families to relax, rechange and generally mooch for a bit. That's a university town.

For the 'townies' - those people proud of being "here today, here tomorrow" Xmas is all about finding shelter from the cold. The gym is fit to bursting, Wholefoods is alive to the sound of contented grazing and every house has a warm orange glow eminating from what's probably a smokeless tofu log fire.

So what if the TV is crap (Elmo and Duel aside)? So what if it's so cold that the tennis balls at the dog run have frozen into the icepack and are harder to remove than excalibre? So what if there's nothing open and every event sold out some time back in the late 1990s?

It's Christmas, it's cold, there's snow on the ground, men shuffling awkwardly around lingerie shops, women praying that he doesn't bottle it again and buy her another iron and children searching every nook and cranny of the house. Ho. Ho. And, yes, Ho!

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