Thursday, October 04, 2007


okay I know. I'm a sukcer. A real sucker. But I just love sexy electronics. And so with th expenses mounting - $4k to move house, $3k for blinds, $14k for a new car, weekly $250 flights and the like I somehow managed to find my way into an Apple store today looing at the new i-touch.

Okay so it's 8 gig vs the 160 gig of a standard video i-pod. And the price will come down soon.

But it's touch screen.
And it knows which way up it is.
And it has wi-fi that's free in Starbucks.
And it plays movies beautifully.
And it's really thin.

It uses fonts fantastically.
And it really is as sexy as hell.

And besides I've spent more tha $300 on a good dinner.
And we're kinda well off on paper (we just lack the requisite kind of paper to prove it)

And I was celebrating not having cancer.
A "have the paper to prove it" kind of not having cancer

And I did give extra blood today in an act of altruism.
Plus it was my birthday recently
And it's my anniversary soon.

And did I mention that I'd been a good boy?

Okay - I'm a sucker.
But a happy sucker.

BTW - Anyone want a previous generation Video i-pod in Black?
It was a gift and I'd rather someone took it than it went into a drawer.


Anonymous said...

orange?? ;p

ps - having had to sell all my cds last month to pay for food and shelter .. i have a great need for an ipod... :D (And to a twat in a record shop which made high-fidelty look like a good-service training video... grrr)

iiiiiirene said...

Check this out:
Or YouTube 'tenori-on'. It's lovely.

I'll buy the iPod off'ya (50% original price?) That way you'll feel less guilty about buying the iPhone, and I'll get a cheap iPod. Managed to hold out on buying one up to now, as my 10-year old Tehnics CD-walkman has such good sound.


Steve said...

too late Irene alas.. dk got in before you
and guilt is one of the many words that seems devoid of meaning to me

iiiiiirene said...

wasn't sure if dk wanted it or not (had a 'thick' moment, i guess).