Sunday, October 28, 2007

A L-O-N-G weekend

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
After a couple of days of packing (see Jude somewhere either left or right swarfed by boxes) and too much running up and down the 63 stairs that served to lead to our apartment (good protection from fat Jehovahs however) we finally managed to see everything on a truck and ourselves heading to what might well be the smallest hotel room in the history of New York hotel rooms. Okay the name 'Petit Double" should have given it away but at $309 a night (the cheapest room in town on the weekend of the NYC marathon) I'd thought that it would at least have room to swing a cat flea. Not so. Ne'er mind though. We had dinner at a vegetarian Korean place with Mike, bough pjamas and slept okay.

Woke up to monsoon style rains, flood warnings, near gales and a general air of 'stay inside'... which we ignored as we loaded up the black Ford Escape with the various bits and pieces required by a long journey with several animals and set off into the deluge.

13 hours, one burger king fish sandwich, too many Starbucks, a scary tuna melt in a scarier Ohio diner (Jude thought that it was a halloween costume party, I insist that it's just Ohio clientel), 250bn gallons of water, four dog stops, too much 80s and 90s music, an average of 23mpg (that's 28mpg to the UK gallon) and one wrong turn later (the wrong turn being the last one - thank heavens for Sophie our trusty GPS) we arrived.

Today the sun is shining, the dogs are out in the park and dressed in halloween costumes and Jude is putting together a bathroom cabinet even as I type (I'll help when it comes time to hang the doors - especially as I do soappreciate the fact that like good freshmen doors should be well hung and accurately mounted)

We're here.


Anonymous said...

we likie the sexy new hair

Anne-Marie Weeden said...

I came to comment on the cool new hair also... shiny...

Is it traditional in NY to get your hair 'done' for moving house?