Monday, October 29, 2007

Paving the way for a move

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
So as Jude pulls all kind of flickr viewers with her new hair I started to prepare for the next couple of days and weeks with a spray on tan. Had to show a passport, get finger-printed and sign a waiver just to get permission to stand naked in front of what looked like a garden sprinkler. Then had to brave the overly well lit mirror as I wiped off the excess 'paint'.

What else did I do today? Took the cats to a place where they can stay while we're away - they have a room with a view of goats (who they stalked) and birds (who they ignored).

Also helped a guy remove the landlord's furniture... sitting in an empty room; on the floor with an exhausted dog as I write this.

FedEx brought me my appointment for the US embassy in London - will be there the nights of the 6th an 7th.

And I walked the dog. A lot. She's so happy here. Running in the park, sniffing at the leaves and being away from the BQE traffic. Best thing about the move so far - just how happy Velcro seems to be

Have movers bringing our stuff tomorrow, then flight out Wednesday, back Monday, fly to UK Tuesday for Wednesday meeting. Busy, busy


Anonymous said...

People think of open spaces and skies, but for a dog with a sensitive hooter, the cleaner air is probably far more drammatic a change. Velcro has been released like a strippers pull-off trousers...

Burrellcreekkid said...

Whoa baby! Jude is hotter than hot,hot. I am totally confused, I thought Michigan was north, not south. Isn't it great lakes way? Such dramatic adventures. We have to see you guys soon, maybe we can do some kind of easter round-the-world tour. *Sigh*. NYC just ain't gonna be the same.