Friday, February 12, 2010

Crazy busy

I am a bad, bad blogger but sometimes life gets in the way of cataloging what's happening in life. Actually SJP recently said that in New York life was what happened while you were waiting for a table... I liked that. So I've been up to the elbows in gum, and in thinking about a new process that I can run for big corporations, and in Jude's spasming back, and my need to do tax forms, PR documents, more tax forms, a lecture at a university, a couple of shoots, a U&A study, dentists, doctors, bankers and lawyers.

It's basically been a lot of hurry up, wait a while, hurry up some more, dash, rush, wait. Frustrating as all hell. But there you go. As an example of what I mean. On Monday I'm in Toronto talking projects, on Tuesday I'm in New York closing out a project, on Wednesday I have a shoot, on Thursday I have shots and stuff then on Friday I have final submission of a document and on Staurday I leave for Cuba. Feeling the pace and my age. And it doesn't help that the newest version of Powerpoint writes in a format that no other computer seems to understand.


Still at least I got another playboy shot this week - from a 45 minute shoot! no idea when I'll find time to edit the images.

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