Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Another in the series

I'm shooting three people this week - and finally have some more women on the roster. The shoot today is a trick set up but yesterday was pretty simple. It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but there's something to this one that rings true and I think that it's amusing, if not funny.

Today is a woman in full military garb - which means that I'm going to have to run out and find full military garb (there's a store I know) and Thursday is my fave body building lady doing something that was originally soft and feminine.

I also have my eyes tested today, and an appointment with a therapist who, bless him, seems delighted at the thought of a new client to to extent that you start to worry about either the health of his practice or his own mental health. I'm one sunny reminder of 'our appointment' away from fleeing for the hills. Do I need therapy? I think so... just wanna ride the coaster that is life without fear of becoming derailed. It's an indulgence basically - but one I can afford.

Mind last night I watched Hoarders (an America show about people whose houses are a filthy, cramped, full of shit mess) followed by How Clean Is Your House? (a low rent, seaside postcard British show that features the same kind of messes)... Hoarders sends in a psychologist to help figure out why people are hanging on to so much shit it's endangering their lives. She pokes, prods and cajoles people into 'letting go' as a cleaning squad disinfects. How Clean is your House sends in a heavy set 70 something who says things like "You've let yourself get into a terrible state, depressed and for what? Want of picking up a duster - you daft apeth."

I have to say that while Hoarders is better made and probably better for the people involved long term my sympathy lies with the sentiment of the British version - which is probably reason enough to head for therapy.

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