Friday, December 12, 2008


So my lovely new, shiny, double lensed, 14.2MP with a sensor that can just about handle it camera showed up on Wednesday

But the CF card that I need to actually store any pics on it is coming from a quite different supplier and despite having been mailed on the same day is due "Sometime between the 11th and the 16th"


Will wait to see whether it arrive tonight and if it doesn't I shall make a quick dash down to the local camera store and pic up a wee, cheapie - just so that I can spend Saturday morning photographing vegetables down at the Farmer's market and Saturday night photographing people getting into vegitative state on cheap vodka at the Erb party.

Plans for today --- Jude's off to Novi to do some shopping at the posh mall (I already have the acrid smell of hot plastic in my nostrils)

I'm off to work - where I'll watch the big screens talk about 'The Big 3' as though Ford is in as dire trouble as the other 2... all the while understanding that the problem with the American car industry when it comes to Ford isn't American cars... it's America.

I seems we can forgive the Japanese years of poor product - as soon as they pull their act together
Ditto with the Germans - remember when BMW made bubble cars and VW has been at the bottom of quality lists for years
Even the Koeans can be forgiven for The Pony

But when Ford starts putting out decent product again nobody wants to look. It's depressing. But then sometimes industries are at the mercy of whim, fashion and prejudice. You can make cars that people would want but if they refuse to kick a tyre then it's pointless.

Oh well - nobody will end up walking to work. It's just that a lot of people won't be driving to work anymore either,