Tuesday, October 21, 2008

At dinner tonight

Originally uploaded by Any Syler
we were talking about American spelling.

Two theories that I liked

First Webster's name was Miriam - and she hand embroidered the first dictionary, dropping vowels as a way to save time and her eyesight.

The second was that the American's traded the letter 'U' for the statue f liberty. Basically they amassed a large "U mountain" somewhere in Nevada which they then gave to the French (a nation way over quota on use of the letter) in return for a sturdy torch carrier of unusual height.

It was that kind of dinner.

My Etch A Sketch client presented his Urinal ad "Wouldn't you rather be playing with your Etch A Sketch?"

My boss told stories of the Ohio militia

And I tried to explain just why I'd spent two hours this morning stuffing small pictures into balloons (twas a pop the balloon, have an idea exercise)

Good day then

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