Monday, August 04, 2008

One birthday down....

So Saturday was Jude's birthday and whilst our plans weren't ambitious we still managed to fill in the day with gifts, gym, home cooked brunches, Scottish shindigs, massages and dinner in Dexter. I had fun - there's something about being low key that takes the pressure off the organizer. Plus the sun has been beating down with relentless monotony for a long while now... so any outdoor activity is pretty much a dead cert hit.

So with Jude getting ready for Academy and me at work wordsmithing a couple of documents (trying to convey a specific shade of enthusiasm without recourse to the thesaurus) we're pretty flat out at the moment. Then we have visits from Bonnie and Lorraine followed by my parents and the potential for Jude to be both writing papers and heading off around the world for interviews regarding where she'll be working this time next year. We're not going to catch a breath before Xmas - but that's okay. It's all miles in the bank and steps toward certainty.