Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A day for wind-ups

It seems that everyone today has the 'wind-up' notice except me. And it's really weird. I can't quite tell whether people are being serious in the things that they're asking me or whether it's all a part of some bigger scheme to see where my boundaries are and which buttons still work.

In response I'm treating every request as though it was deadly serious and answering with as much detail as I can. Partly because I fear that everyone is serious and partly because I think that straight is the best way to diffuse their fun. All exceptionally odd though.

I guess that this is what it feels like to be stupid - in that 'Beauty' way so fond of 'Beauty and the Geek' - you end up thinking 'Did he mean that?' and answering as though he did.

Wonder if I'm half a beat behind or whether today really is as confusing as I think it might be.