Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thinking Time

I'm always amazed by the way the brain works. Last night for instance I made myself a mental (and a physical) note to make a call by 10am this morning. As a result I woke up every 2 hours thinking about the fact that I had a call to make.

Then after looking at a brief for the 134th time today it suddenly became very clear what the underlying thought was. Just a single word actually that summed everything up. And it came while I was thinking about something else.

So maybe overtiredness and distraction really are the best way to work. I used to live on a diet of not enough sleep, too long a commute and constant new ideas. Sure it almost killed me (I wholeheartedly buy into the 'lack of sleep and gum disease' theories of cancer causes) but man was I lateral.

Anyway have to talk cars to a bunch of men over a pig's stomach burrito now... should be interesting