Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sex And The City

Sex And The City
Originally uploaded by ·BigGolf·
So leaving London this morning and thought that I'd write a quick blog as I wait for my ride to the airport to stir from bed and show signs of actually being a ride.

Cyprus Air arrived on time (again) and deposited us into a London that was warm, gray, threatening rain, crowded with the young, abuzz with the the low murmur of foreign languages and mercilessly expensive.

We went for a quick meal ($20 for my plate of Veggie noodles) then through a park where the dogs were off-leash but so well keen to attend their owners you'd swear they doubled up as Butlers in their spare time

After that it was a trip to the cinema to see Sex and the City ($20 a ticket) which was both long and predictable though somehow enjoyable. I loved that the whole thing seemed to be an exercise in humiliation for Kim Catrell (the weight jokes, the age references) and that they set up the bridge to the sequel by positioning themselves as the Manhattan Golden Girls. SJP should be expecting a call from Bea Arthur any day now.

Dinner followed by a trip to M&S where $50 secured us enough food for dinner... to be watched in front of the finals of Britain's Got Talent (if it does it wasn't on display here as a bunch of kids and broilers played classical music to an audience who pretended to care) and then I'll Do Anything - hosted by a man with a penchant for the single entendre and a gleeful relish for the the word "Nancy"(it's a casting show for Oliver, they're looking for a Nancy ---> you saw the jokes coming huh?)

And now it's off to Detroit with me, Leave at 9.15, lose 5 hrs, arrive at 1pm. Long flight. Ouch.

More from the other side

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