Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What a feeling

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
I went in for the second of my allergy tests this morning.

The guys took a bunch of panels, attached them to my back, bandaged me up and said "see you Thursday". Before they said that though they said "You're probably going to itch like hell. Don't scratch. Even if it becomes unbearable"

Now maybe it's just me but there has to be a better way of doing this. A blood test perhaps. Or stem cells. Or cloning. Just all seems a tad old fashioned to me.

Also got a call from the New York hospital... I'm due scans for cancer again. It's weird that every 8 weeks or so I have to start planning a New York scan trip. It kinda throws you off balance and I know that it's too much of a reminder for a lot of people around me - having my mortality questioned with such regularity.

Still it's a trip to New York - a place I adore, so (for once) I won't be complaining - unless of course it's about the itch that seems to be coming from directly under the bleach tab on my back

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