Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bad repair

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
Well after Jude's first attempt to fill the suicidal bird's scrape on the hood of the car I had her redo it - and maybe I was wrong.

Never mind will have dent taken car of at 10,000 miles and may use the scratch repair as a justification for getting the stripes that Jude's wanted forever.

Mad at work today - wanting to prove that one of the reasons that people got into SUVs were that they were high - and when people feel threatened (say post 9-11 or by the number of huge cars on the road) they tend to look for safety by trying to get above imminent danger (they used to climb a tree). There are other reasons of course - but it's odd that in a culture of engagement we have an automotive culture of disengagement. Or so I'm hypothosizing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you start with those 9-11 mutterings, yes I know you're alluding to the madness of others, but don't encourage them!

(Apparently I need my pasport to rent a flat... cos "since 9-11 sir...". Funny how estate agents - blissfully unaware it seems of decades of explosive irishmen - will happily rent a flat to the holder of a Saudi passport with bucks and no security check, but not a Brit with his passport in storage... truly the 9-11 effect has made us all wiser and safer...)

Convincing theory about height i'd say, makes good sense. But you may add to that the status thing. Viz - Parrots of highest status sit highest in the trees, and humans who want to train their parrots must keep the parrot sat lower than them and not let them sit on the curtain rail, to establish rank. I imagine some species of monkey and ape use a similar system, though not sure.