Monday, April 14, 2008

Stupidly Busy

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
I'm ridiculously busy today, which means that this will be shorter than Obama's "Mission Accomplished" list.

I have to say that my interest in the Hillary / Obama thing has been dampened by the descent into politics as usual. Hillary claiming that she'd been under sniper fire, Obama attending the church of somebody that some people don't like - each claiming that they're not about smearing the other and then having proxies apply liquid manure.

It's a shame really - this was an election that I wanted to care about. But I do have a weird feeling that McCain is going to drop dead before November... he's just SO old. And it's a real strain. And he's not looking good at all. Weird that he's leading in the polls too. Though with his age and health being what it is his choice of running mate is going to be critical - as we're all imagining the President being upable to fulfil his duties at some point over the next 4 years.


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