Thursday, March 20, 2008


Originally uploaded by flea.ef
I'm bizarrely relaxed today. I have no idea why. The temperatures are still sub zero. I was still woken by the squealing of cats. The drive in to work was as long as ever (actually I enjoy the drive every day)... I still have a mountain of work to get through and I'm no nearer doing my first Sketchy's show - but for whatever reason the shoulders have dropped, the breathing is deeper and I can feel oxygen in my blood again.

It might be Pilates. It might be the fact that despite the cold signs of spring abound or it might just be the return of decent TV. I'm not sure what the cause may be but it's a good feeling.

And it's good to have a good feeling once in a while. Yesterday I was browsing cool things to do and realized that 7 of the 10 things that appealed to me were happening in Williamsburg, NY - our old neighborhood. I got this deep yearning to be back there. To be connected. To be within arm's reach of a scene that excited me. And then I got horribly maudlin. I miss New York. The buzz. The options. The walking. The subway. The photo opportunities.

But increasingly I like it here. The job is better. The apartment is great. I like having a car. The weather is improving to the point when you can actually go outside and this thaw is allowing culture to creep in and take root (there's an amazing looking film festival next week for example)... so chilled and expectant. That's good, right?

1 comment:

Zoe Marshall said...

Takes time to adjust to a new place; below minus temperatures don't help.
Harder too if you're used to lots of options for stimulation and things to do.
To 'make the best of it' is the most realistic advice.