Sunday, March 16, 2008

All too exciting

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
It seems that at every event we attend recently there's this shot to be taken. A kid, sitting apart, video game in hand, looking cold, disinterested and as though they're counting down the hours until they get back into World of Warcraft. Weirdly I don't blame them.

Despite the fact that it's a good 15c warmer here today than it was two weeks ago and despite the fact that the sun is out and the skies are blue (or blue-ish)... it's still freezing here as the runners in the St. Patrick's Day 10k go streaming by and the crowds stomp their feet as much to keep circulation going as to encourage their friends and realatives on.

Me - well I'm off to Miami tomorrow. So I care not a jot about the cold. Home alone tonight though (Jude eating with Professorial types) so it's crap TV and perhaps a glass of whisky or two.


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