Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Like the real thing - but not quite

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
Not much happening today... which isn't really the way to start any blog entry. No the way to start a blog entry is thus

"So there I was wrist deep in a post op-tranny"

The reason that's the way to start a blog entry is simple. At any given moment there are a huge number of men looking online for any mention of "Post op trannies"

Perhaps some are surgeons - looking for a new, neater stitch. Or nurses hoping to find a favorite ex-patient. But the majority are guys on the slow slide into fetishism. Pushing boundaries further and further in a bid to find the thrills that once came so easily. That's the problem with infinite options - they dull the senses. Things that are easy to find - and shared by many are somehow less thrilling - and so we search for the unusual.

Families try to "get there before McDondalds" when travelling. Businessmen stay in 'boutique' hotels owned and run by mass chains. Teenage girls search second hand stores in search of vintage. And a million boys sit in bedrooms trying to create the ultimate mash-up - the modern mix-tape without the awkward connotations.

We're all looking for the unique. Defining ourselves by the increasingly small number of things that we do that are different. For the things that make up the 2% of our lives that we believe is ultimately 'us'.

We're becoming nomads. Constantly moving in the search not for stimulation but for uniqueness. We want to drink from the fountain of interesting... to experience what others haven't and as a result become what others aren't. Choice does that. It allows us to indulge fantasy.

Maybe that's why I get so many hits looking for post-op trannies. Or maybe it's just that guys are predictably in search of cheap titillation.

Whaddya think?


Zoe Marshall said...

Yes, I think we like to have something different, that others don't have.
But I'm a boring old conservative. Not in advertising or anything hip, hop or hep like that.
I'm basically happy with things as they are save wanting a few more local friends.
No searching for post-op trannies for me.
I get my kicks from exercise as a matter of fact. Just set some new goals for some nice slow jogging round the local park.
Hey, gotta be honest.
I get my kicks from chocolate too and Easter is a bad, bad time of year hence the new goals for running.
Steve, petalpie, thanks for asking
'whaddya think?'.
Good of you to ask.
What I really, really like is when you acknowledge us and talk to us.

The way you used to.

Feels a bit lonely out here putting mouse and type into an empty white box with funny letters underneath.
The reason I'm here is YOU.
And that goes for all of your regulars too, I'm sure.


Anonymous said...

the truth is that "Well at least I'll be fabulously thin" was my very first thought upon being told that I had an advanced cancer and was going to need treatment that was both aggressive and experimental.

Of course the steroids buggered that up. But it became the title of the e-mail that I first sent to friends telling them that in all likelihood I'd not make the summer and latterly the title for this blog.

Pro-anorexia - maybe. I've always agreed with Wallace Simpson "You can never be too rich or too thin"