Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Slow going

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
It might just be the winter but everything today feels like wading through molasses.

Woke up to about a half inch of snow. Which is death for the traffic as it doesn't trigger clean up squads and people in Michigan know better than to move faster than 30mph in the uncleared snow.

Left early and got to the office at around 8am; the office was empty as most people are still out crawling through the traffic created by the 'not enough snow' or fishtailing their way back.

Then there's the document that I'm working on. It's getting there. And I know that there's more to a presentation than just being right but this; well this seems to be moving towards perfection a colon at a time - if only there were stimulants for Powerpoint decks.

And now I'm waiting for people to arrive. For a client schedule to clear. And for permission to go ahead and brief this thing. But, like spring, it's coming and that feels good.

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