Monday, January 21, 2008

New York, ahhh New York

So the weekend in New Yorek flew by. We saw friends. We marvelled at just home much had changed in Williamsburg in the last 6 weeks (5 new restaurants, 4 new bars), we managed not to get tickets for Chez Duckie, Emo or the celebrity Scrabble but we did manage to fill our suitcases with warm clothes, warm up a little (though things got cold later in the weekend) and generally top up on interesting.

Walking back into minus 16.5c was a bit of a shocker but the car started first time, the roads were empty and I found out how to chnage the color settings on the car's speedo - so not all was dire.

At work today (even though it's a holiday ) in a bid to catch up with all that I missed while I was away. Feels weird being the only car in the car park - especially as there are usually people in late and at weekends. Might just be that I'm in EARLY on a holiday. Getting hungry too.... time to make a raid on the vending machines (do we have any?)

More (and pics) when I get home.

The pic (btw) is Detroit

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