Sunday, July 01, 2007

My weekend

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
It's been a while since I posted... I'll blame the sore neck and shoulder but really it's just a symptom of being busy. Had back to back client things at work and then lots of people to catch up with before leaving for Africa.

This week I finally went to the movies again. First Die Hard 4 and then Michael Moore's rather good Sicko. also went to Sketchy's anti Art School (hence the pics)... tidied the house prior to arrival of cat sitters and caught up on a couple of videos that I'd wanted to watch for a while.

Throw in the gym, long walks with the dog and the occasional long conversation by phone and you get very little time left over for other stuff (learning Dutch, getting my driving license)

Oh well... at least the weight is down, the tan is darker, the animals are happy and client stuff is well on track.

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