Friday, June 01, 2007


Another two on the road
Originally uploaded by Sibi
Jude leaves for Namibia today. She's gone until the end of July, which isn't THAT long actually. Of course I'm trying to book a flight out there in early July and (naturally) it's proving a nightmare

1. I find the flights I want with Air Namibia

2. I try to book online - NO ONLINE BOOKING

3. I call them

"Hello Air Namiba"

"I'd like to book these flights"

"Great. Let me have all of your details"

Details are exchanged

"Can I book that then?"

"No sir. We make too many mistakes by phone, wait for the itinerary by e-mail. Then call back"

4. No e-mail arrives

5. Lots of calls

6. E-mail arrives, hurrah!

7. I call back

"Hello air namibia"

"I'd like to book these flights, this is the code"

"I'm sorry you can't book until you've been invoiced. That will happen soon. We can't say when. Bit when it does we will call you."

"Can't I pay now."

"No Sir. You must learn to be patient"

8. 48 hrs pass, no invoice, I await a call

Still waiting - gnnnrrrfffff

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