Thursday, February 19, 2009

mouth full of crap

Just back from the dentist who mused "I've never seen someone with dental hygiene this good and teeth this bad":

Luckily a big part of what he was talking about was the dental work that I had done in the UK - lots of things that were made to a size and then drilled to fit, or put in at odd angles and cemented with the kind of toxic materials that are now related to blood cancers (go figure)

Unfortunately one bit that needs to be fixed is a tooth that was under a bridge. It's not in good shape, meaning that the foundation for the bridge is also shaky. So I have an appointment to see some people who will look at the possibility of implants (an 8 month process) as well as at other reconstructive options. Not cheap, but then when it comes to being able to eat, smile and talk neither am I.

More fun was last night's Sketchy... marvelous. As evidenced (partially) by this picture.