Thursday, September 18, 2008

Standing in line to withdraw your cash

Originally uploaded by Jōsé
So it seems financial armegeddon is upon us. In the US banks are collapsing more often than Lindsey Lohan, in the UK they're being forced into shotgun marriages faster than a pregnant Palin daughter and the news stations are frothing at the mouth as the meltdown continues. It's horrible. Really horrible. And yet the malls are full, the credit cards are being swiped and people are going about their business as though their house wasn't about to be repossessed by an institution on the verge of going under.

Bad news for me - as I'm about a year away from the job market and total financial meltdown is hardly conducive to a tasty, well paid, post somewhere warm.

Of course a year from now we'll have a new US president and he may well fix everything. Okay, he may well fix something. Or at least be smiley enough to make us feel that he might fix something. And that might just be enough. My suspicion though is that the next president could well be John McCain (currently tied in the polls) - and of course McCain is 100% in lock step with Bush on the economy, which may be an indicator of not much changing on Wall Street.

The fact of course that McCain is currently tied despite his party having been in power for 9-11, wiretapping, pre-emptive war against the wrong country, Guantanamo bay, secret torture sites, billions lost in cash in Iraq, several 'gay scandals', the response to Katrina, the collapse of Wall St, record job losses, the weakest dollar in forever, a record deficit and Britney's metltdown is amazing.

Joe Biden put it well this morning. "People are ready for a change. They want the country to move in a different direction, They're just not sure that they can trust Barack Obama and Joe Biden to give them the change that they want. They're not ready to make that leap of faith yet. We need to win them over. Not on the issues, they're with us there. But on the fact that we can be trusted to do what we say we're going to do."

And that's why McCain may still win. He's also a change. If he can convince people that it was Bush (rather than the Republicans) that ran the country into the ground and that he is a change from Bush then he has that base covered. Plus it takes just one misstep, one fuck up, one bad phrase or weird scandal to sink the Obama boat. "You see, you can't trust them" is what McCain needs.

So if I was Obama I'd try to make Bush stick to McCain like a shit covered barnacle.

If I was McCain I'd go "they're two faced shifty liars" on Obama's ass.

Meanwhile I'll be standing in line to get my money out of my sinking bank and into something less risky. Any suggestions?

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