Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I hate waiting

Originally uploaded by stevenjude
and today is a waiting game.

I've briefed the teams.
I've talked with the client
I've had side conversations.
I've encouraged.
I've cajoled.

I've pretty much done all that I can to send things down the path that we think is signposted 'right and interesting' but now all that I can do is wait. Everyone needs time to work and I have to be prepared to blend into the background while they do that. I'm bad at this bit of the job. I want to be down having ideas, helping people out, sharpening the pencils, taking an eraser to missed steps. But of course you can't. Ideas need time and space as much as they need energy and sharing. And we're at that stage today.

So I'll sit on my hands and wait. And hope. And look forward to the moment that I get to see things. It'll be a LONG day.

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