Saturday, January 12, 2008

Back on the Reformer

Orange Crush
Originally uploaded by Könrad
I started back with Pilates today. I love just how German it all is. Lots of equipment and rules about movement and range of movement. I love that the machines have names like The Reformer. And I love my new Sewdish instructor. She has a Volvo. She's blonde. Doubtless she beats herself with twigs whilst listening to Abba at steam room swingers parties.

But today I remembered the importance of breath. I opened up my chest some. I stretched my (rock solid) hamstrings and I started to feel just a little bit better. It's good this Pilates stuff.

Now to the vet with the animals (annual check up time, rabies shots all around) and then into work for a quick meeting with the 'big guy' while Jude stays home and works on an abstract for a conference paper.

Sun's shining too


Anonymous said...

Your new Sewdish instructor?
Is that cos she's Sew... sorry...

Anonymous said...

I know - my typing leaves more to be desired than Johnny Vegas