Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Our first couples thing...

Originally uploaded by vinni ♥♥
... last night we 'entertained' for the first time... well we opened a bottle of wine for a couple of new friends then walked into town for more wine and the best food I've had here so far.

The big difference between Jude and I (I think) is that she knows interesting people while I tend to know interested people. The former are people out doing things in the world that are new and pushing boundaries (one of our guests last night had recently headed up the digital lab at Harvard) the latter are people who have read about, attended and studied things that are interesting, The former gave stories, the latter have annecdotes.

What they have in common is an interest in the world and a determination to see patterns. Last night's people were both interested and interesting. Which was great. And once again I was the most stupid person in the room (Including all of the staff in the restaurant) which was even better.

Hoping to get my plates and registration today from Ford (my new license wasn't in the system yesterday)


Anonymous said...

What a smart entry el Stevo - you are clearly back on form since the move.

I was reading about Enoch Powell last night, who enlisted as a Private in WWII and became the youngest Brigadier in the army; and who taught himself his 12th language - Hebrew - at 70, and retranslated Mathew's Gospel in his 80s while suffering from Parkinson's. I've never been so ashamed of being lazy and interested...

Anonymous said...

yeah but he did re-translate it to say "Enoch was right you know... rivers of blood there will be" (he channeled Yoda you see)

People forget that Powell was a formidable politician and a very smart man - which is what makes that speech so indefensible - it was all rhetoric and no real content. Just designed to inflame at a point where he thought some outrage might do the party good. Instead it became his legacy. Great shame.

You get your 'resume' to Lou Burrows yet?

Anonymous said...

I did indeed, gave it yet another overhaul, rendered it vaguely sane, and special deliveried it over. So they're probably using to mop up the coffee spills since Monday.

It's very true what you say. I was correcting the wikipedia entry on Ted Heath last night - my own version of blogging - and one of my books that I was flicking through suggested that the speech was a desperate shot at party leadership in the assumption they'd lose in 1970. Ironically pollsters reckon that speech gained the Tories 2.5 million votes in 1970 and won them the election securing Heath...

I'm very envious of your car...
And like the Roman, i like a nice chariot I do...