Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

It's shaping up to be a perfect day. We woke up this morning to a light dusting of snow, with flakes still gently wafting in the chill air and every house suddenly a potential cover for Victorian confection. A walk with the dog brought many cries of admiration and a few sweet conversations - the dog was beside herself with excitement at the perfection of it all, the people with th esweetness of the dog. Home and there's Judith wrapped in bed with a coffee and a good book (and a banana, worryingly?) Today we have no plans other than to join some people for dinner tonight and hit th egym in preparation for excess tonight. Like a perfect Pinot I am chilled to zen like perfection. I could get used to this.


Miss Chris said...

Is that the view from your window? If yes then you live in the cutest picture book world.

Anonymous said...

it's not the view from our window... but it's the view from a window two blocks away... these houses get purdy in the snow

Anonymous said...

wow... lucky man.